Illustrated parts list and maintenance instructions with initial installation instructions for Engine automatic reignition Parts # 369H90118-513 and 369H901118-515 used on Hughes 500D and 500MD (Model 369D) helicopters
Illustrated parts list and maintenance instructions with initial installation instructions for Attitude gyro indicator Parts # 369H90038-501 used on Hughes 500D (Model 369D) helicopters
Illustrated parts list and maintenance instructions with initial installation instructions for Directional gyro indicator Parts # 369H90039-501 and 369H90039-503 used on Hughes 500D and 500H (Model 369D and 369H) helicopters
Illustrated parts list and maintenance instructions with initial installation instructions for instantaneous vertical speed indicator (IVSI) Parts # 369H90044 used on Hughes 500D and 500HS (Model 369D and 369HS) helicopters and, Parts #369H9044-503 used on Hughes 500E and 530F (Model 369E/F) helicopters.
Illustrated parts list and maintenance instructions with initial installation instructions for transponder installation (KT-76) Parts # 369H90073 Basic and 369H90073-501 used on Hughes 500D (Model 369D) helicopters
Illustrated parts list and maintenance instructions with initial installation instructions for Automatic direction finder (KR 85) Parts # 369H90067 Basic, 369H90067-501, 369H90067-51 and 369H90067-61 used on Hughes 500D (Model 369D) helicopters
Illustrated parts list and maintenance instructions with initial installation instructions for NAV/COMM transceiver installation Parts # 369H90071 Basic, 369H90071-503, 369H90071-507 and 369H90071-509 used on Hughes 500D (Model 369D) helicopters
Illustrated parts list and maintenance instructions with initial installation instructions for Integrated interphone system (ICS) Parts # 369H90068-11 used on Hughes 500D (Model 369D) helicopters
Illustrated parts list and maintenance instructions with initial installation instructions for Automatic directional finder (KR 86) Parts # 369H90056 Basic and 369H90056-501 used on Hughes 500D (Model 369D) helicopters
Illustrated parts list and maintenance instructions with initial installation instructions for Radio installation (ASB-125/60) Parts # 369H90144-501, 369H90144-503 and 369H90144-505 used on Hughes 500D (Model 369D) helicopters